
Wednesday, 15 February 2012

True understanding of team work

There's a card in the FCP process I use that invites us to "break through your closed shell of isolation into a true understanding and experience of team work.”

When this came up in a session I facilitated we explored 3 aspects to the card:

  • breaking through the closed shell of isolation

  • true understanding of teamwork

  • true experience of teamwork

  • It’s certainly very difficult to keep on track if we isolate ourselves, so too if we experience teamwork where everyone operates in their own silos. I'd also suggest that knowing what we should be doing is different to actually taking all the necessary steps to make it happen.

    What would breaking through your closed shell of isolation into a true understanding and experience of teamwork look, sound and feel like to you? What would you do doing, saying and hearing? How would it help in the current situation? What would you be doing differently?


    Alison Smith
    Helping individuals, businesses and procurement experience team work and keep on track in 2012 07770 538159

    Thanks to the centre for teaching excellence for the photo - there's an interesting article on their website on teamworking skills and being an effective team member.
    The insight used here is from the Frameworks for Change © Innerlinks

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