I’ve vicariously followed many conferences on Twitter over the last couple of years and the following is a summary of my tips on engaging more effectively for all involved (audience, speakers & organisers).
NB: Obviously, in sharing, some of my own behaviours and beliefs about use of SoMe will become apparent. I’ve also made assumptions about the objectives of each of the groups involved. In other words these might not all apply – so do please share your tips so that we make this a more comprehensive list.
Understand your objective for tweeting from the conference. Understand your preferred learning style and know if tweeting during the speeches will support or hinder the objectives you have for attendance – better to share learning and engage with twitter after the speech or even event if you know that will work best for you. Find out and use the #conferencehashtag. Find out and use the @speakerstwittername. Tweeting “great speech from @speaker” is ok but does this meet your objectives and does it help your followers and the followers of the #hashtag? “Great speech from @ speaker @#hashtag because I learnt this, will do this differently or even because he made me laugh, cry, jump up and down” is much better. Remember the conference is a wonderful opportunity to talk to new people not tweet to people you already have a connection with – you can catch up with them as you travel home? Speakers
Ensure tweet profile is up to date and ensure profile or more recent tweet provides links to website/blog or other means of finding out what you do (you might not use twitter but much of the audience might). Ensure people at the conference know your @twittername – getting it into your intro would be GREAT. Understand what your objectives are for your audience and encourage tweets that support or reinforce that.
(My concern is if we’re busy tweeting what you said will that translate into insight or action in the future? I do think tweeting can keep us at theoretical level rather than applying it. Evidence from conferences I’ve followed would support that as there is a distinct lack of sharing on things beyond what was being said. I’ve often asked what will you do differently and get NO reply – is that because people don’t know because they were too busy tweeting what was said? I get plenty of engagement otherwise.) Engage with those tweeting about your speech (More often than not I will follow someone who does that whether it’s my tweet they’ve replied to or someone else’s. It’s a great way of reinforcing a point or clarifying it). If you’re tweeting about another speaker use their @twittername. Organisers
Consider employing professional tweeters to raise profile of conference ahead of and during conference. Agree and communicate in all marketing literature and tweet the #conferencehashtag – not halfway through the first day please. Engage with attendees before the event (ask for twitter name in registration) – about #hashtag, speakers, venue, accommodation, food, networking opportunities etc. Ensure all speakers know each other’s @twitternames. Engage with those tweeting especially those using incorrect #hashtag. Regularly tweet, throughout the conference, what the #hashtag means with links. Ensure you have a transcript of #hashtagtweets at the end so those attending, those in different #timezones or those finding #hashtag later in day can review what’s been said. Which is why employing a professional tweeter makes sense. Hope something here has helped - do share your tips too.
Excellent! One suggestion is to add the tweet this button so it's easy for your audience to share.
Thanks Dawn - great idea - will investigate how to set that up.
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