
Monday, 25 October 2010

There are 3 versions of the story!

The Lyrics from Shame the latest song from Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow starts with the words...

....."There are 3 versions of the story - mine, and yours and then the truth"

This is something that is often forgotten when we communicate with others. It's so easy to act and speak as if our 'story' is true. It's certainly our reality but it may not be the other persons - and neither interpretations may be strictly accurate.

There's a few things to consider when exploring the 'truth' of a situation:

1. We can't possibly take in 100% of the data available to us.
2. We therefore have to filter the data available.
3. The filters we use will be based on our Values, Beliefs, Memories and Preferences.
4. This process of filtering results in Deletion, Distortion or Generalisation of the situation.

On other words our representation of the situation is as imperfect as the next persons. The key in any communication is remembering this fact and ensuring that before any action is taken that common understanding has been achieved. Otherwise what you think you've asked someone to do may not be what gets delivered.

Enabling purchasing relationships to understand all versions of the story.

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